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A member registered Sep 12, 2020

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Thank you for new updates

actually this game is very good i wish you good luck with that project thats is awesome

that is soo cool will wait :3

Were cool game thank you for that there will be update?


i enjoyed the games will wait for the next update


уже есть один новый но как я понял он только для патреонцев

Really good and interesting novel the sprites look soo good i appreciate your hard work

(1 edit)

Awesome  really like this game <3

Wow the work is so fast i really appreciate that <3


We playing as a boy? 

The game acttualy real nice thaks you for your hard work

can you tell, will in this game some new characthers

awesome <3

Byte is not AI riiiight?..


I can't subscribe to you on patreon because I'm from Russia :(

вы еще и русский знаете я вас теперь в 3 раза больше уважаю

я поссессед

I like Tate so much omg

that nice :3

rn yes

Thats awesome

it is completed game?

Hello is the update going to be soon?

Those two are so cute :3

no ending there.

thats awesome thanks :3

omg thanks

thanks for reply and thats not a problem just wanted to know something new abot update and good luck with new project :)

is an update going to be soon?

this vn awesome cant wait for update

(1 edit)

MC is sooo cute

thant game is so awesome i swear, Oliver so cute

thank you for reply and for you vn :3

is an update going to be soon?

YEES THank you <3